
Happy New Year!

Well, 2009 is gone, and 2010 is here...what will it bring?

I have some resolutions for the new year. I wasn't going to make any since they are usually forgotten some how. But I didn't really make any last year so this year I am.

1. Start my day off right...with God.

2. To have a grocery budget of $50 a week.

3. To lose 50 lbs this year. (only about 4 lbs. a month, 1 lb a week. I think I can do it!)

4. To truly enjoy my kids...spend a lot more quality time with them.

5. To keep my house a haven. My husband deserves it, as do I!

6. To stick to our budget. We have had a hard time adjusting to it, but it is my goal to do it!!!

7. To update my blog a minimum of 3 times a week....been a little slack this past year!

8. To enjoy my life...turn it over to God. Which is where it really belongs!

9. To have my sink shiny every day, in the FlyLady way!

10. To be more organized.

They there are. 10 resolutions for 2010. Written down so I won't forget. And hopefully make me more accountable for them!

Hope you have a wonderful 2010!

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