We have had a busy weekend and week so far. Jonah's birthday was Friday. I just can't wrap my mind around the fact that he is two already! Andrew and I took the kids to Chuck E Cheese. Noah has never been there either so it was fun to watch their fascination with everything! If you go to chuckecheese.com you can sign up to get coupons from them. They even sent Jonah a coupon for 20 free tokens for his birthday! Then Friday night Andrew had his first church softball game. He is coaching and playing this year. It was an exciting game. They won by 1 in the last inning!
Saturday we had a baseball game for Noah. They are always so cute. It was hot was fun! We then went out to eat with Andrew's family for Andrew's mom's mothers day and Jonah's birthday. We had fun.
Andrew had to work on Sunday so I got up and went to church with my mom. I won a flower for having the youngest/newest baby. Thanks Abbi! Then we went to eat with the family for my granny for mother's day. We had bar-be-que, ham, potato salad, baked beans, and more deserts than I could count! It was a good day!
Monday night Noah had a game again. It was a little chilly. The wind was so cold!
Yesterday I took the boys to the dentist. Noah has a hard time with bushing his teeth like he should and will hardly let me do it. And as a result he has a cavity! From now on every night before bed I will be brushing his teeth!
I am looking forward to going to a MOPS mom's night out tomorrow night. It will be the first time I have met them, except for my sister in law. Should be fun!
Hope everyone has a great rest of the week!
We are about to leave to run some errand so I will add pictures to this soon!
How this One Thing Changed the Way I Cruise
2 years ago
1 loving comments:
I just had to take my three year old to the dentist yesterday and he had three cavities. Three!! I was so distraught. We brush his teeth and we limit juice...we don't let him have a ton of sugar...I'm just lost at what else we can do. It was so sad to watch them cap his little teeth. It broke my heart. The nurse asked if he had high fevers as a baby--and I told her he had--she said this often causes decay.
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