Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by
MckMama. You can head over to
her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.
I've have been reading this for a few weeks and finally I'm going to attempt it! It may make the guilt not so bad! If you need a good laugh, head over a read a few!
So here we go:
Noah did NOT break Andrew's nose this week by jumping on the bed after being told to quit, because he always listens. And Andrew did NOT stick a tampon up his nose to stop the bleeding. And I did NOT take a picture of him with said tampon up his nose!
I did NOT make the boys go the bed early just so could have a little peace. What kind of mother would do that?
I did NOT let Jonah play in the sink and brush his teeth over and over this week, just so could finish laundry, eat lunch, and change the baby's diaper!
I was NOT secretly glad that both boys feel asleep on the way home from dinner on Thursday night. I mean Grey's was coming on!
I did NOT feel guilty for raising my voice at Noah while he was working on a notebook and explained to him for the
fourth time that he was not following the directions. And then I did NOT feel
incredibly guilty when he told me I hurt his feelings!
So, what have you NOT been doing this week?