

I need help!

I need to run a more organized home. I have stuff everyWHERE!

I like to blame it on the fact that we are a family of 5 living in a 2 bedroom, 1100 sq. foot town house.

But, really, it is because I am a lazy, sloppy, house keeper.  And I have 3 kids 5 and under.  And I keep 3 others...

I am really not lazy, but there is always something that I would rather do than housework. Who doesn't have that problem?

I have been trying to follow the FlyLady.  At first I was doing good, but after a week while, I would get distracted.  It was hard to follow all of her emails. But I realized I was good at cleaning, but not at maintaining the clean! I use boxes to keep the toys picked up and I try to straighten up each night before I go bed.  I am going to try to follow her again and start at the beginning.  The first step is to shine my sink.

So I will and do that now, but...

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