
A funny story...and a Monte Cristo Sandwich

Andrew and I love Bennigan’s Monte Cristo Sandwiches. The only problem is we have to drive at least an hour to get to a Bennigans. Not that the sandwich isn't worth the drive, but with 2 little ones, and gas prices, it is hard to do. Well, I found a copy cat recipe that is so easy! So now we no longer have to drive an hour to one of these sandwiches! I know it sounds gross, but believe me, it is so good! Thanks to my brother for suggesting it to me in Daytona Beach. I am hooked, foreveah!

Monte Cristo Sandwiches

8-12 cups oil for frying


3 pieces of bread
2 slices of Swiss Cheese
Turkey (recipe calls for 3 oz. I put on 2-4 deli slices)
2 slices of American cheese
Ham (recipe calls for 3 oz, I use 2-4 slices, deli sliced)


2 egg yolks
1 cup ice water
1 cup all purpose flour
1 tsp. baking soda

Powdered sugar for dusting

Raspberry preserves for dipping

Assemble sandwich. Swiss cheese on top of bread, turkey on top, another piece of bread, then American, then ham, then 3rd piece of bread. Make sure nothing is sticking out of the bread and smish it down a little with your palm to make it stick together well.

Beat the egg yolk and add the water. Mix together. Add the flour and soda and mix together well, but not too well.

Cut the sandwich in half diagonally, and dip each half in the batter. Fry in deep fryer (I heat up to 400) until one side is brown, about 3-4 minutes and turn over. Then fry the other half the same time until brown. Drain on paper towels. Dust lightly with powdered sugar. Cut in half to have 4 pieces. Serve with the preserves for dipping.

I know it sounds gross, but it is great! I can usually only eat half of one of these. Andrew can manage the whole thing, and sometimes the rest of mine. And while I am talking about Andrew, he has lost 16 lbs. since getting his teeth pulled. And he is not really trying. Men make me sick sometimes! But congrats to him. I know he has wanted to lose weight for a while. Hopefully this is the beginning of what's to come!

And speaking of losing weight, I ordered Turbo Jam on Saturday! I have been wanting it for a while, but Noah really put a fire under my butt! I was sitting on his toy boy after we cleaned his room. He looks at the box and the lack of room for him to sit with me. He looks at me and says, "Mom, your butt is so big!" Thank you Noah for the boost to get off my butt and lose this weight! I really need to before vacation and just to be more healthy. I will let you know how Turbo Jam works for me!

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